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New Grant Opportunity!

March 06, 2025

First Steps 4K is offering one-time incentive grants of up to $30,000 for newly created and/or newly approved private providers proposing to become a new First Steps 4K provider or to expand First Steps 4K services to additional children.
For the current fiscal year, the Office of First Steps 4K may expend up to $250,000 to provide one-time supplemental, needs-based incentive grants in an amount not to exceed $30,000 for newly created and/or newly approved private providers proposing to expand service to ten or more CERDEP eligible children in communities unable to enroll all eligible students in a public, private, or Head Start setting during the prior fiscal year. These grants are designed to address building renovations, documented as necessary to bring proposed classrooms into compliance with licensing or accreditation regulations, materials and staffing costs, and/or other obstacles currently preventing their participation in the program.
Priority areas include Aiken, Anderson, Berkeley, Chester, Chesterfield, Dorchester, Greenville, Jasper, Lancaster, Lexington , Lee, McCormick, and Richland.
Those interested in this funding opportunity should email Martha Strickland, First Steps 4K State Director, to request a virtual appointment to discuss their proposed project. Their 4K Coach and 4K Manager will be invited to the meeting as well. Prior to the application deadline, applicants may also submit drafts of their application responses via email for the First Steps 4K team to review and provide feedback.
To learn more about this grant opportunity and to apply, click HERE. Deadline for grant applications is March 31, 2025.